Thursday, March 19, 2009

An adopted or foster child will never be accepted as a "real" member of a family?

When I started the survey, the first question made me stop immediately. I had never thought about this before as I am not adopted and many people around me aren't as well. When I thought about it though it didn't like a very logical question...Why would a family adopt a child which is extremely important to them but then not think of its as its own? The ones I am friends with though are always treated the same as far as I can notice. He also has said that whenever he is with family for holidays, dinner, etc all of them just think of him as their own. So based on personal experience I have seen that an adopted child can be truly accepted into the family. 

1 comment:

whaddupjoh said...

hey rakoon (:
just wanted to let you know that i don't believe in ghosts and that yes classic books are important.

i don't believe in ghosts but i believe in spirits. like, people can live in others' memories forever. so i think the spirit of someone after they've died is very important. yet, being a ghost is shady lol.

i think classic books are sooo important to read. some of them are really boring and some are interesting, but they're all essential to the english subject. i, personally, am going into english when i go into college, so i guess i should start reading up.

and to respond to your blog post. i definitely think that an adopted child can be accepted into their family because maybe they don't look the same, but the love there is the same. i also have friends that have been adopted and they live normal lives. happiness can come out of loving parents :D

laterrr, joh (:
(p.s. sorry for the extremely long comment lol)